Expert advice is invaluable in ensuring the best possible terms are achieved at rent review. Rabbette Chartered Surveyors can guide you through the complexities of commercial rent reviews, lease renewals or re-gears. We will negotiate on your behalf to achieve the best outcome possible for you.
From the outset, the level of rent being paid will impact the profitability, and often the success, of a business – it is the highest occupational cost of all. Getting it right is therefore vital. Whether facing commercial rent reviews or lease renewals, or a potential relocation, our advice can reduce your business costs and improve your profitability. The Lease Advisory Team at Rabbette Chartered Surveyors advises both landlords and tenants on all types of commercial property.
If you would like some examples of the results that we have achieved for our clients recently please click the link to send us an email request.
We have a great deal of experience in acting for tenants of commercial properties at rent review, lease renewal and mid-term lease renegotiation. We apply a combination of in-depth research, with a firm negotiating stance, to result in the best possible outcome for our clients.
Rent Reviews
A proactive approach is the best way to ensure the lowest possible rent is achieved. We recommend that tenants start to consider their rent review at least 6-9 months prior to the review date.
Lease Renewals
Again, a proactive approach will result in the best outcome. We recommend starting the process of renewing a lease at least 12 months prior to lease expiry. If your rent is excessive, ensuring the correct notice is served early will result in a timely reduction in rent. If your rent is likely to increase our advice will help your budgeting forecasts or provide the opportunity to consider whether your current premises are the best solution for your business.

Our surveyors have acted for a wide range of landlords over the years, from private individuals all the way through to large pension funds. Our input will ensure that you achieve the most favourable terms possible depending on your specific objectives; whether that is maximising value, increasing certainty or maintaining a positive relationship with your tenant.
We combine a detailed understanding of the commercial property market and the relevant law with practical experience to ensure that the best terms possible are achieved for our clients.

Third Party (Arbitration, Independent Expert Determination, etc.)
With all of our Lease Advisory instructions, wherever possible, we aim to reach an amicable agreement with the party that we are negotiating with. However, the reality is that a negotiated outcome is not always possible and sometimes Third Party determination is required.
We have a strong track record of representing our clients at Third Party. In this situation one of our surveyors will act as an Expert Witness, presenting the evidence which justifies our opinion of rental value to the Third Party. Crucially, they will also fully investigate and, where necessary, provide a critical response to the opposing Expert Witness’s evidence.